HELLLLLLOOOOOO EVERYBODY!!!! What a great week! The switch to 3rd shift has been a lot kinder to my body and my mind than I thought it would and everything is rock n' rollin' along! I know it's Sunday, and I am posting this blog because I did not take in consideration about the art show etc... and didn't get to post it last night. So I would like approval from the congress to retract the statement from the last blog and have it stricken from the record LOL I would like to state that the blog with be posted sometime over the weekend, every weekend, for your continued viewing pleasure. OK, now that I got that out of my system, the art show was INSANE!!! Being in conjunction with the street fair was an incredible idea! My mind is still in a blur from all the people I spoke with there at Superfly comics (www.superflycomics.com). Many people were vary interested in what I was doing personally and what Twilight Star Productions had to offer and many of them will be attending our 1yr anniversary and the Gem City comic con, just from the info I gave them yesterday! I even got a bunch of friend requests on facebook from this event! WOOOO HOOOO! things just get better and better! I also currently have some professional marketing annalists (*cough cough Brit & Ivy cough cough*) working diligently on ideas to help promote my books *snicker snicker* for example, lets recall Brit & Ivy #8....

WELL NOW YOU CAN OWN YOUR VARY OWN TEDDY BEAR CAKE MADE BY BRIT & IVY THEMSELVES!!!! keep an eye out for more promotions coming vary soon!

In other news,
I have completed the first page to Phoebe and Eddie #2, almost done with page 5 of the Bumtastic 4, which I worked on diligently at the street fair yesterday, and I have drawn and inked up, not one, but 2 covers for the first issue of the Brit & Ivy on-going comic book! Yes you heard me correctly! two covers! One will feature Brit and the other will showcase Ivy! AND THAT'S NOT ALL! once the book is completed, I will be designing a SKETCH COVER that will only be available at conventions and signings that will allow you to have me draw an original piece of art right on the cover for ya! HOW ABOUT THAT FOR A DEAL!
Last but not least, For the 1yr Twilight Star Celebration at Superfly Comics ( check out my last blog for the link to all the info on this event) I will have available for purchase, Brit & Ivy's Super Spectacular Collection for the very first time and for the first 5 people who purchase this book, I will throw in original artwork and prints !!! And to anyone who mentions reading and following my blog, I will also throw in a free commission sketch! You can't ask for more than that! So be there or be square and get a copy of BRIT & IVY'S SUPER SPECTACULAR COLLECTION along with all the other great Twilight Star books being released and sold at this event right from the creators themselves!
Until next time,
peace, love and laughter,
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