Hello all! Sorry it has taken a few days to post more about Mid-Ohio Con. I have been under the weather the past few days but I'm doin my best to stay on top of everything. Nonetheless, here is Mid-Ohio Con part 2!! The picture posted above is .....well.....um......a super monkey? spider monkey maybe?!?! I think someone has been peeking into my notes for my Brit & Ivy comic! oopsy, did i just give something away?! I guess you'll just have to wait and see!
Here we have to cool fellas who make two cool comics! on the left we have William J Grapes with his book entitled "The Infernal Fire-Dragon". Here is the intro to Issue #1!
"Ian Drake has a knack for puzzles.He uses this ability in his job as an engineer at McKimson industries.With this ability he was able to look over discarded weapon and security prototypes and glean how they could be fit together. From this pile of disused projects he pieced together a flying suit. Not a suit to wear when one flies mind you, but a suit that will enable the wearer to fly.He debuted the suit for his father, the Duke of Clarendon, martin Drake.Unfortunately, his father, a pacifist, saw the military potential and asked Ian not to turn it over to McKimson Industries. This lead to an argument and before the two men could reconcile, the Duke was murdered but a nutter kitted out in a Nazi flag- Baron Von Blut. After the funeral, Ian received a recording his father had made. In it Martin Drake had revealed the secret history of the Drake family.Over the centuries the family had taken on the responsibility of defending the defenseless as an extension of their place in the Order of the Dragon. Ian's grandfather, Sir Epworth Drake served in both the great war and World War II to this end as a commando. It seems Baron Von Blut was a nemesis of Sir Epworth, code named The Dragon, and mistook Martin for Ian's grandfather. Martin's last wish was that Ian would continue the family tradition of altruism. Ian swore an oath and, using his flying suit, took up the family duty under the moniker of Fyre-dragon.
He publishes through Black Square Press straight out of Cincinnati! to find out more, check out www.fyredragon.com
To his right we have Brett Wood, The artist of "The Silver Bullet". Along with writer Eric Rampson, Brett has created a world as twistedly exciting and witty as The Tick on an intergalactic level! From robot pirates to monkey cowboys to even zombie ninjas who have warm, cheesy, embraces and that's just one issue!!! If you love a good comic that has action with a unique voice and sense of humor, "The Silver Bullet" is for you! I highly recommend this book. definitely going on my top ten list for the year! It's nice to see that there are others out there keeping this genre of action/humor books alive! For more info on this book you can go to www.lonelyrobotcomics.com!
"Beheadings, dismemberments, burning at the stake, malfunctioning nose hair clippers...It's just another day on the job for Dead Duck and Zombie Chick, employees of JP Yorick (aka Grim Reaper). Hired for the difficult and often messy task of delivering souls of the deceased, this undead duo know schlepping the dead around isn't the best job.....but it's a LIVING!!
As with " The Silver Bullet", this is going on my top ten list. I fell in love with the artwork right off the bat. Once I got the opportunity to start reading it, I was hooked and couldn't stop laughing. the jokes hit one right after the other and it is a very cool and unique approach to the whole Grim Reaper idea. the book is for mature readers, so if you are of age( and/or maturity(or immaturity ) Level) this is a must check out book! Mr. Fosgitt is an incredible creator and I can't wait to see more from! he also was kind enough to check out Brit & Ivy's Spectacular Spectacular and he dug it! If you wanna know more about this groovy guy,(which I highly suggest) you can go to www.jayfosgitt.com and www.apecmx.com. His Personal site has a lot of other strips and work he has done so spend some time there, it's well worth it!
There was so much going on, so many awesome people, so many awesome things, half the time i was so over whelmed, I forgot to take pictures! I would be a horrible journalist! LOL So, I shall leave you on two good notes.
1) As of today, Brit & Ivy has sold 20 issues already. Which means they have sold about 10 Issues per week at this point! I guess I underestimated a bit seeing how I have to order more to print now! LOL
2) Marc Sumerak, former editor for Marvel and current freelance writer (Marvel Adventures, Franklin Richards Son Of A Genius) took the time out of his busy schedule to review my portfolio. It was a very positive experience and I thank him deeply for the tips and insight on what I can do to continue to push further on this adventure of mine.
until next time....
peace, love and laughter,
Joe "PohGo" Pruitt
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