Sooooo yeah.....I'm gonna have to scrap the fact of doing a weekly blog at this time being. I just have a lot of different projects going on, lots of event, Like MID OHIO CON, which I am typing this blog during. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the fact that i have a lot of things going on, it's just that I know i can't take the time to commit to doing a worthwhile blog every week. at least not right now. But I can guarantee you I will keep it updated as much as possible.So first up, we had a great time celebrating Twilight Star Production's one year anniversary on October 23rd. you can check all that went down at this link and you can here all the interviews (including one of yours truly) by comic related's very own Chuck Moore, at this link Guys at Superfly comics once again went beyond the call of duty to make this an incredible event and I wanna thank them so much for helping us make it happen.Everyone had an incredible time and was in high spirits as we had not one, but 3 new books released on the this date including my very own Brit & Ivy Super Spectacular Collection! We also got to see a preview of Dustin Carson's new Project HalfBreed with artist Chris Metzger! Let me tell ya, this is gonna be BIG!!! So if you are here at Mid-Ohio con, Make sure you stop by their table and check it out along with Dustin's already phenomenal book, NO GODS.I am still about 6 pages out before Bumtastic 4 goes live, but it has been confirmed, it will be making its debut and home at Comic Related!!! WOOO HOO!!!
Still plugging along with first volume of Brit & Ivy's on going series. I must say, I am very happy how it's coming along and I can't wait to share more with ya.
I am also just about done with the second mini episode of Phoebe and Eddie, so that will be available very soon at www.championcitycomics.comSo now it's 7pm, after the first day of Mid-Ohio Con, i have met many incredible artists, writers, seen and have hung out with friends and familiar faces and has been an incredible experience. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us!! Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that the incredible guys and gal at Packrat comics is now carrying Brit & Ivy's Specatacular Collection!!!!!! so until next time I'm gonna just do a photo dump of what I have worked on since then and also pics from events i have attended. so until next time!!!
Peace, love, and Laughter
Joe "PohGo" Pruitt

Logo's I designed for the Forthcoming "The Un-Naturals" Books.

This is the cover for The Un-Naturals Source book that I inked over pencils that is set to be released in late November!

The man of few words Chris Giarrusso- Artist for mini-marvels and G-Man comics!

The always entertaining Art Baltazar- Artist for Tiny Titans, Patrick The Wolf Boy and many others!

the endless pool of knowledge and insight Mark Sumerak- writer for Power Pack, Franklin Richards, and Marvel Adventures, plus many many more!!!
the dynamic trio at their all ages panel during Mid-Ohio Con on Saturday! Definately one of the main highlights every year!

Hmmmmmm......Inflatable spidey hovering above me at Packrat Comics at their Mid-Ohio Con pre party Friday night.

Big bad wolverine watching making sure everyone stays in check.

Chuck Moore, from, trying to convince this young Jedi Knight that everything is always better on the dark side!
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