Hey all, Hope everyone had a great weekend! I know i did! I'm gonna make this one short and to the point to just let you all know what's going on in PohGo's world. The first mini story of Phoebe & Eddie is now available to view in it's entirety over at www.championcitycomics.com . Tony Wright and Myself have a lot more in the works so keep an eye out, this is just the beginning! I have still been working diligently on the full length Brit & Ivy script, along with putting my first book together and also I am still trucking away on the pages for the Bumtastic four! Unfortunately, I don't have any images to share with you this week, but there are lots of things in the works so hang in there, I promise you, it will be well worth the wait.
Now last but not least, the final strip ( for now...) Brit & Ivy #15!

peace, love and laughter,
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