Hi again, it's Monday. Yup and it sure feels like it to when you have to deal with an Internet connection that runs slower sometimes then dial up and then just randomly likes to disconnect at the most inconvenient times. That's why it is 1:12 am and I am typing the blog with eyes half wide open. There's a lot to talk about but I think at this point I'm just gonna give a quick run down of what's going on in my art world so I can get some beauty sleep. Yeah I know what your thinking, I'm the last person who needs beauty sleep, am I right?! Anyways, I attended my first meeting with the guys at Twilight Star Studios and it was a pleasure to sit and discuss all that they are doing and planning and actually are going about it all in the right ways. Boy did I get lucky stumbling across this crew of talented and business minded folks! They gave me my first pages to work with doing inking and lettering so here is where it all starts! I myself and the rest of the guys from Twilight Star Studios will be attending the Champion City Comic Con on Sept 11th in Springfield, Ohio and we will have a table selling all of our swag, Including three new titles from Twilight Star Productions and also My BRIT & IVY Prints will be available there too! There's no better reason to attend, so mark your calenders folks!
I completed pages 2 & 3 of Phoebe & Eddie this week, which are posted below, so take a peak and let me know what ya think so far.

On the BRIT & IVY front, I have begun writing the first script for BRIT & IVY's first full length story, so keep an eye out I am sure it will be out in front of your eyes before ya know it!
OK, before I go into a brain coma from lack of sleep, here is BRIT & IVY #12 to sink your teeth into!!!

peace, love and laughter,
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